transforming my roommate-6

Notice : Release every 3 days

Jamie”s night takes an even more embarrassing turn when he can”t get “it” up to full mast for his sexy date.

It seems that whatever happens to one roommate, the opposite happens to the other. As Jamie”s body shrinks down smaller and smaller, Scott”s body is growing bigger by an equal amount.

Jamie has been slimming down so much that his clothes don”t even fit him anymore. He should consider himself lucky that he can still shop in the men”s section.

It seems Jamie”s days of looking down at Scott are numbered.


Different Position Comics-78

Notice : Release every 3 days

Chris has had enough of this fighting and knows that struggling against each other like this won”t end well for either of them. In exchange for getting rid of Derrick, Chris offers negotiations to a truce between them.

One more unpleasant kiss later, Derrick is on his way out, leaving Chris and Christina to work out a truce. How well will this go?

Once they stop fighting for once, things go fairly civil between Chris and Christina as they work out what they think is fair to share their body.

With things worked out for the most part, Christina has one last request. She wants to meet her mother and sister. The only problem is that they aren”t really her mother and sister. Jessica already knows about Chris”s power, so maybe she can be told about Christina.


transforming my roommate-5

Notice : Release every 3 days

A cold day in hell indeed… Just you wait Scott.

Jamie seems to have scored on his second date with Barbara. I wonder where things will go from here. 😉

Click on the image for a full resolution page! =) Time to dim the lights! 😉

Jamie has developed quite a lot of junk in his trunk. Luckily he found a woman who likes his new bubble butt. I wonder if he”s soon going to running into men who also like his big round assets.


Different Position Comics-77

Notice : Release every 3 days

Christina”s night is in full swing. How is Chris going to live with himself knowing what his body has been through?

It”s the morning after, and it seems the night went very well for Christina and Derrick. However, it”s not Christina that”s waking up early this time. While she was staying up late, Chris went to bed early. Oh, what a bad place he finds himself in…

Chris tries sneaking out from his naked prison, but doesn”t get far before waking the sleeping beast. With Christina asleep, he must handle Derrick on his own, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

After an extremely unpleasant kiss, Chris manages to escape his friend”s very naked grasp. Chris tries to wake up his female self to get Derrick to leave, then gets a good idea for a wake up call.


transforming my roommate-4

Notice : Release every 3 days

Cute haircut Jamie. Your date is going to love it!

Jamie is starting to look like a pretty boy with that slimmer waist and longer hair. I wonder how working out together will affect them.

Jamie and Scott have been spending the last few days hitting the gym. Thanks to the Fox, they are starting to see much different results from one another.

Scott reveals some of his motivation and struggles. Little does he know that his dream is slowly developing right in front of him.


Different Position Comics-76

Notice : Release every 3 days



Chris is asleep, and Christina is completely in charge. Better yet, she”s got Derrick right where she wants him.

I think it”s safe to say Christina is enjoying her first time.


transforming my roommate-3

Notice : Release every 3 days

Looks like the Fox has one path planned for Jamie, and a completely different path set for Scott.

Sweet new apartment guys. It totally wasn”t modeled after mine 😉

So far Jamie and Scott”s alterations have not only seemed plausible, but also welcomed. How much is Jamie going to slim down before he realizes something is wrong?

I”m sure you”ll be losing more weight soon enough Jamie.


transforming my roommate-3

Notice : Release every 3 days

Looks like the Fox has one path planned for Jamie, and a completely different path set for Scott.

Sweet new apartment guys. It totally wasn”t modeled after mine 😉

So far Jamie and Scott”s alterations have not only seemed plausible, but also welcomed. How much is Jamie going to slim down before he realizes something is wrong?

I”m sure you”ll be losing more weight soon enough Jamie.


Different Position Comics-75

Notice : Release every 3 days

To celebrate 300 pages, I”ve got some good news for everyone! Please check out my “State of the Fox” that showcases some improvements coming to the site. People want more content, and better content, so that”s what I”ve giving you.
