Notice : Release every 3 days
Chris has got a lot to learn about magic, like what it”s like to teleport. However, there”s something about it he should have pieced together himself by now: it”s inherited, which means his sister has it too.
Oops. Chris was originally at the mall to meet Holly, now things are a little bit awkward when they meet face-to-face. Holly is suspicious of the cute girl he”s with, and becomes more suspicious when they start talking nonsense. Sure Chris can turn into any girl, but no one can turn into him. Right?
Holly is causing a scene, so Isabel ends it the best way she can: turning Holly”s mind to mush. She”ll snap out of it eventually, and she”ll be okay… more or less.
The gang is back at Chris”s house, and make the smoothest of entrances. Jessica”s in for a real surprise… oh and Holly… when she wakes up.